
Eagle Lake Wild Festival 2023

This festival celebrates Eagle Lake’s Wildlife, Hunting, Conservation, and Ecotourism!!! Waterfowl hunters have been coming to Eagle Lake to hunt since the early 1900’s while providing many conservation measures in collaboration with the rice agriculture industry throughout all those years!  In fact, Eagle Lake property owners contributed greatly to the establishment of the Attwater Prairie Chicken National Wildlife Refuge (APCNWR)!  All throughout this time, many birds have made the Eagle Lake area their home and many migrating birds stop as they travel through to and from their final migratory destinations! According to E-Bird, there are 1,605 hotspots in Texas. APCNWR is listed in the top 100 hotspots with a count of 286 different species; the Eagle Lake Municipal Park is a hot spot as well, with over 235 different species! A great big thank you to the great work of Audubon enthusiasts’ site recordings!  Celebrate food, fun and friends.

Lake Eagle Wild Festival

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