WHF Funding from America the Beautiful Challenge
WHF to Deliver Conservation Services with Funding from National Fish and Wildlife Foundation’s America the Beautiful Challenge
CAT SPRING, Texas, December 18, 2023 – Wildlife Habitat Federation (WHF) announces today an award from the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF) through their America the Beautiful Challenge (ATBC) Grant.
Through this opportunity, WHF will provide outreach and engagement to private and public landowners for elevation of prairie grassland conservation efforts during a period of three years, beginning in 2024. Staff conservationists will initiate locally led efforts to support voluntary working lands conservation to increase and improve habitat through the Monarch Butterfly and Northern Bobwhite Quail Working Lands for Wildlife framework and initiative across a 17-county area of the Texas mid-coast.
WHF will work with landowners to provide resource inventories and habitat management plans resulting in 60,000 acres of working lands under improved management. This work will serve as the basis for landowner participation in various Farm Bill programs.
The ATBC encourages diverse landscape-level projects that address priority conservation and restoration needs, showcase cumulative benefits to fish and wildlife, enhance carbon sequestration and storage, engage with and benefit underserved communities, connect people with nature, and help safeguard ecosystems and communities through resilience-focused and nature-based solutions of climate smart conservation practices.
“Both private or public landowners in the 17-county area are encouraged to participate, and conservation planning services are provided at no cost.” says Garry Stephens, WHF President. Stephens also said, “Even small acreage properties are eligible – there is no amount of land too small for conservation to have a big impact.”
This opportunity will serve Austin, Bastrop, Brazoria, Burleson, Caldwell, Calhoun, Colorado, Fayette, Fort Bend, Harris, Jackson, Lavaca, Lee, Matagorda, Waller, Washington, and Wharton counties.
Philanthropy will meet the match amount needed for the total project cost.
WHF equips landowners and partners with the education, tools, and technical assistance for on-the-ground restoration, management, and generational sustainability of grassland and prairie habitat for the conservation of soil, water, air, and wildlife.
For more information contact Garry Stephens at 210-422-1600. Follow our work at www.whf-texas.org and LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram.