land management

Differences in Land Management

This photograph clearly represents the differences in land management between the two landowners pictured across the fence line. Although we aim to help landowners establish conservation practices to encourage results like the ones shown on the left side of the fence, we meet landowners where they are, in whatever state their land is because we recognize at WHF that the history and situation of a piece of land is tied to the people who inhabit it. It is a complex system within a complex system, and our work is ultimately a product of our relationships.

land management

This fence line contrast shows a healthy tall grass prairie restoration as compared to an overgrazed condition. The restored prairie provides benefits to all of the natural resources present. Soil and water quality are improved; air quality is enhanced due to no longer needing tractor and chemical use; biodiversity of plants and animals is increased; and last but not least, the landowners love it!!! A 4-year effort on their part.

fence line land management

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