Riverby Ranch Mitigation Site Quail Monitoring Effort
Restoration efforts on the Riverby Ranch Mitigation Site in Fannin County, Texas have provided a safe haven for over 200 species of birds, including a variety of grassland species that are currently experiencing steep population declines such as Dickcissels, Bell’s Vireo, and Grasshopper Sparrows. One such species, the Northern Bobwhite, otherwise referred to as “quail” or “bobwhite”, occupies a particularly valuable ecological and economic niche in this region of Texas, acting as an umbrella species for grassland bird communities and as a popular game bird and important source of income for rural communities.
In order to determine the efficacy of restoration efforts on the population of bobwhite quail on the ranch, annual spring call counts, as well as various other bird survey methods, have been implemented with this spring count call conducted in May of 2024. Read more about the report here: