About WHF

What We Do


Resilient prairies and healthy watersheds provide benefits to our land and water resources as well as the communities that depend on them.


WHF provides on-the-ground restoration, management, and generational sustainability of prairie habitat for the conservation of soil, water, air and wildlife.

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Education and Outreach

Direct technical guidance to landowners through planned outreach at events, field days, workshops, group engagements, and on-site consultations.

Conservation Plans

Engaging land managers in the planning of conservation practices with the goal of providing measurable improvements of all natural resources present.

Implementation Putting it on the Ground

Acres under improved management as a result of planned grazing, prescribed burning, rangeland plantings, etc.

Collaborative Alliances

Engaging with like-minded organizations to achieve common goals. Co-hosting education and outreach events with allied organizations to inform the public about land conservation practices and programs.

Landowners Assisted
Counties Served
181,695 acres
of Conservation Plans

Learn More About Protecting Your Investment with Conservation

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